Social Media Articles


Spite Applying? Think Twice.
“I think I'm going to spite apply." Have you ever thought about doing this? This phrase, spite apply (AKA rage apply), was recently shared with me by a very talented professional. It captures exactly…


What’s a peak experience - and why is it important to our careers?
A peak experience is a time in your life where you did something that made you feel a sense of achievement and joy. This could be a paid or unpaid experience. It’s something you did that…


Declining an Interview? 5 Reasons to Rethink This
Although preparing for an interview takes time, there’s are real benefits to accepting an interview rather than letting it go. Here are five reasons to say yes that have yielded positive, concrete results for…


How to Listen When Your Career Speaks To You
We all reach moments in our careers where there is a creeping angst that begins as a whispering voice and gradually takes on volume. Having worked with clients facing these moments of angst and…


The Master Storyteller in Each of Us
There’s a secret as to how to best interview that often doesn’t show up in interviewing books or Google searches. We see a lot about today’s interview being more like…


How to Build Your Career Resilience
Career resilience is the ability to bounce back when faced with a career challenge. It’s also the ability to bounce forward when needed so that we continue to grow and…

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The Gift of Connection: 10 Action Items for Your Career
Last week, a wonderful gift arrived in my mailbox. Someone whom I greatly respect had written a LinkedIn recommendation for me, unasked to do so. It was a good-morning surprise that…


Take Charge of Your Own Resistance when Facing Workplace Change
Throughout our careers, we face change in the workplace that may not immediately jeopardize the security of our jobs but instead, may…

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Increase Your Impact Post-Interview
Imagine that you’ve just had an interview for a position you really want. Should you follow this with a short thank you email or is this concept outdated? I’m a huge fan of follow-up emails after an…